Penagos Holding

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Achievements of two companies in our portfolio: Innovation and Industrial Property

At Penagos Holding, we value and celebrate the achievements of our related companies! Today we want to highlight two important milestones that reflect our commitment to innovation and the protection of industrial property.

First of all, we are proud to announce that one of our companies has obtained a Patent of Invention in the United States of America (USA). This patent joins the more than 20 patents of invention granted to the companies of our business group. This recognition has been achieved thanks to the key concepts of interoperability, modularity and scalability that have been fundamental in the development of its Software and Hardware platform. 

Secondly, we congratulate another of the companies in our portfolio for receiving the registration of their trademark, joining the 45 registered trademarks owned by the Penagos Holding companies. This achievement demonstrates the commitment to the management of the industrial property, ensuring the protection of your brand in the market.

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