Penagos Holding

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Designing a Social and Environmental Agenda: Concrete actions towards a sustainable future

In Penagos Holding and the companies in our portfolio, We are determined to work towards a sustainable future. We are committed to the implementation of a Social and Environmental Agenda that will guide our actions in the future.

Among the actions that our companies are currently carrying out, we highlight:

  1. Adequate waste distribution: In compliance with the guidelines established by the Ministry of the Environment (Resolution No. 2184 of 2019), we have implemented a adequate distribution of waste according to the corresponding color code. This applies both in our homes and in our workplaces, promoting a correct separation and arrangement of them.
  1. Reducing the use of disposable plastics: Aware of the negative impact of disposable cups on the environment, we have implemented measures to encourage the use of reusable bottles among our collaborators, thus avoiding the unnecessary consumption of disposable cups.
  1. Composting organic waste: To further reduce our carbon footprint, one of our companies has set up spaces for the composting of organic waste generated in our homes, converting them into natural fertilizer and thus closing the nutrient cycle.
  1. Replacing plastic utensils: In line with our commitment to the environment, some of our collaborators are gradually replacing plastic utensils with more sustainable alternatives, such as toothbrushes and razor blades made from environmentally friendly materials.
  1. “Botellitas de amor” project: As part of our initiative to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics, we have implemented a program where We collect all single-use plastics in plastic bottles, with the objective of raise awareness about the importance of its reduction and promote its correct disposal.

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