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We support young talent

With the purpose of contributing to the talent and interest of young people to face challenges that build a better future, in 2022 Penagos Holding financially supported the UIS Aerospace Rocketry Seedbed SCUA UIS in their participation in the Latin American Space Challenge (LASC), the most important rocketry and experimental satellite competition in Latin America. The main event of this competition took place in Cape Canavial, Tatui, Brazil, and consisted of two main challenges: Rocket Challenge and Satellite Challenge

The SCUA UIS team had an outstanding participation in the competition by obtaining the following results: 

  • First place Satellite Challenge CanSat category
  • First place in the general Satellite Challenge category
  • 4th place in the 3 km above ground solid rocket challenge category.

Thanks to the support of sponsors, including Penagos Holding, the SCUA UIS team managed to represent Colombia and have an enriching and unforgettable experience. They hope to be able, as a research seedbed, to continue contributing to new generations and advance even further in the knowledge of aerospace sciences.

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