Penagos Holding

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Penagos Holding establishes strategic alliances with leading international universities to promote innovation

In March we managed strategic alliances with international universities, among which Arizona State University (ASU) stands out. These alliances allow us to have a University-Company connection and face challenges together.

Penagos Holding continues its search for opportunities to promote innovation and business growth. This first semester we have established strategic alliances with international educational institutions, among which stands out the prestigious Thunderbird School of Global Management in the USA

We formalized this strategic alliance with the Arizona State University (ASU), with the aim of establishing a solid connection between academia and companies. As a result, this year, s a result, this year we will host a team of master's students from ASU'S Global Challenge Lab Program who will work on solving challenges in one of the companies we have shares. This partnership gives us the opportunity to have an enriching cultural exchange and helps us face business challenges by receiving the external perspective of a team specialized in management, strategy and innovation.

Among the challenges we will address together with ASU are strategies for internationalization and structuring long-term objectives, that will allow us to have a global vision of our businesses.

We are excited to witness the tangible results of this mutually beneficial relationship and will share with you the progress made in the coming months.

Innovation and growth are in our DNA!

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